Order by 03/30/18 and SAVE! All Fence Prices go up 04/01/18!
Best Fence, Best Price, Best Service
White 2 rail = $2.99/ft + freight
White 3 rail = $3.99/ft + freight
White 4 rail = $4.99/ft + freight
*Ships from Texas
Best Price guaranteed!

Select Style of Horse Fence


Has been engineered for all climates and conditions. Perfect for Horses, Goats, alpacas, etc! Attaching hot wire is recommended if using Black, Chestnut or Weathered Cedar fence systems for large animal containment.
Our most popular vinyl fence system. It has been engineered for all climates and conditions. Electric or mesh fences can be easily attached to help keep smaller critters in or out. Perfect for most Horses, Goats, alpacas, etc!
Works great for decorative and small animal containment. It has been engineered for all climates and conditions. Perfect for Dogs, Goats, alpacas, etc! You can also easily attach wire mesh to contain (or exclude) smaller animals.

Heavy Duty 2x6
Works great for decorative and small animal containment. It has been engineered for all climates and conditions. Perfect for Horses, Goats, alpacas, etc! Attaching hot wire is recommended for large animal containment
Is designed for large animal containment including cattle. Electric or mesh fences can be easily attached to help keep smaller critters in or out. We recommend adding hot wire with cattle, or any horses that will challenge the fence line.

The Gardner Fence Mission
To provide you with the Highest Quality Vinyl Fence Systems, paired with prompt, knowledgeable service before and after the sale, at the lowest prices available anywhere. This mission forms the 3 commitments from Gardner to our customers: Best Fence, Best Price, Best Service.
Do not buy wood
1. Vinyl has no flavor so horses do not care to chew on it
2. Vinyl will not splinter like wood which makes vinyl safer for your animals
3. Vinyl Never needs painting, it’s easy to clean and stays looking like new
4. Vinyl has no nails or screws involved to hurt your animals
5. Vinyl is quicker to install
6. Our vinyl fences come with a Lifetime Warranty

Want a Free Sample & Catalog?
Provide us with your address and the fence style you are considering and we will send it right out! Just E-mail-Sales@gardnerfence.com Call- 800-788-3461 or Click to chat in the lower right corner. It's that easy!
There is a 1200’ minimum quantity required for adobe, weathered and rustic woodgrain. Please note that for all colors except White, Tan and Khaki we recommend electric fence be added for livestock containment.